Born in Cuba 1966, is currently living and working between Paris and La Havana.
1995- 2000 Higher Institute of Art(ISA), La Havane, Cuba.
1981-1985 San Alejandro Academy, La Havane, BFA Studio Art, (sculpture and drawings)
1983-85 Training to cast bronze, National school of Fine Art, La Havane, Cuba.
1977-81 Intermediate School of Fine Art 20 de Octubre, La Havane, cuba.
2001 Art in residence Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, florida, USA.
2000 Artist in residence Sumei Multidisciplinary Art Center, Newark, New Jersey, USA.
2004 Scenography for the danse piece "George", Agma Compagnie, France.
2001 Scenography for the danse piece "La classe", Pierre Doussaint compagnie, France.
1995-97 Professor of sculpture, San alejandro academie, La havane, Cuba.
1985-91 Professor of sculpture and drawings School of fine art "Juan Pablo Duarte",
Güira de Melena, Cuba.
2015 "ConversationXchange" Museum Williams Proctor Art Institute, Utica, New york, USA.
2014 "Dreams" Chenalbleu studio/gallery, Montreuil, France.
2010 "La memoire dans la peau", La Casona gallery, La havane, Cuba.
2008 "Correspondencia" La passarelle gallery, L'IUFM Haute Nomandie, France.
2006 "Atlantique(no-limite)" Victor Hugo house, La havane, 9th Biennal of La Havane, Cuba.
2005 "Resent work", MJC of La Celle St Cloud, France.
2002 "Opportun", Center of developmente for visual art, (CDAV) La havane, Cuba.
1999 "El dolor de la existencia", Center of developmente for visual art (CDAV),
La havane, Cuba.
"Impresions", La casona gallery, La havane, Cuba.
1997 "Los cimientos del alma", artist studio, La havane, Cuba.
1996 "El hombre que camina", Provincial center of art gallery Luz y Oficios, La havane, Cuba
1995 "La puerta del espiritu" 23 rd and 12th gallery, La havane, Cuba.
1994 "Rostors en la muchedumbre" forma Galley, La havane, cuba.
2024 "Black and White" Traits Cubains, galerie Vallois, Paris.
"Black and White" Trazos Cubanos. Galeria de Arte San Ramón. Dominican Republic.
2022 “El Pasado Mio/My Own Past": Afrodescendant Contributions to Cuban Art.
Ethelbert Cooper Gallery of African & African American Art at the Hutchins Center, USA.
2018 "Resilience and Resistence in diaspora africaine", Museum Black civilisation,
Dakar, Senegal.
"+cuba Si" Galery Vallois, Paris, France.
2016 "Drapetomania" Africain american museum of Philadelphia, USA.
2015 "Drapetomania" at Cooper gallery, Havard , Boston, USA.
2014 "Drapetomania" 8th floor gallery, New York, USA.
2013 "African Influence" Bab's gallery, Bagnolet, France.
"Drapetomaia" Universal gallery of art Santiago de Cuba and Center of development for
visual art (CDAV), La havane, Cuba.
2012 "Dualité" complejo Morro Cabaña, colateral 11th biennal art of Havane, Cuba.
"Art Jaén" contemporary art fair, provincial museum Jaén, Spain.
"3rd Festival "Un monde de cultures" Cultural center forum, City of Saint Gratien, France.
2009 "Latitudes Tierra del mundo" 10th Biennal of art i havane, center of develpment for
visual art(CDAV) La havane, Cuba.
"Latitudes Tierra del Mundo" Museum contemporary art Panamá city, Panamá.
"Art Jaén" contemporary art fair, Jaén, Spain.
2008 "Embrace" fine art fair, Atlanta, Usa.
2007 "Latitudes Terres du Monde", Paris, France.
2006 "Black fine art show", New York, USA.
2005 "No country is an Island": Issues of freedom and diaspora in caribbean art,
at Raritan Valley comunity college gallery, New Jersey, USA.
2004 "Latitudes, Terres de l'Atlantique", Paris, France
"Exposition de oeuvres de René Peña et Andrés Montalván, Gallery intemporel, Paris.
"Le salon", Societé des artistes Français, Vincennes, France.
2002 "Paris-La havane etc" Gallery Intemporel, Paris, France.
2001 "Marsks of the soul", Schmidt center Gallery, Florida Atlantic University, Floria, USA.
2000 "Transforma", Ciudadela-pavellon de Mixtos, Pamplona, Spain.
"Transforma", Casa de a cultura de Venezuela Carmen Maria Mantilla, La havane, Cuba.
1999 "Queloides II", Center of develpopment for vidual art(CDAV), La havane, Cuba.
"Insomnias del Ciclope", Open space gallery, La havane, Cuba.
"La huella multiple" Center of development for visual art(CDAV), La havane, Cuba.
1998 "Cuba ambos mundos", Sumei multidisciplinary art center, Newark, New Jersey, USA.
1997 "Bienal of sculpture of little size, Las tunas, Cuba."
"El ocumtamiento dl alma", Center of development for visul art(CDAV), La havane, Cuba.
1996 "Biennal sculpture Teodoro Ramos Blancos, at Teodoro Ramos Blancos gallery,
La havane, Cuba.
1995 "Salon de arte contemporáneo, National museum of fine art, La havane, Cuba.
1994 Escultura cubana contemoranea, Panamericzn gallery, Cuba.
1991 Escultura Cubana contemporanea, V biennal of art, Museum Maximo Gomez,
La havane, Cuba.
1986 Exhibición de profesores de la Academia de arte San Alejandro, Bauta gallery,
Artemisa, Cuba.
Collection Alejandro de la Fuente, USA.
Collection Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation, USA.
Collection M. Chris Von Christierson, Royaume Unis,
Collection Peggy Cooper Cafritz, USA.
Collection Herbert Charles, USA.
Collection George Eberhard, Germany.
Other works in Espain, France and Cuba.
2024 Réalisation buste de Pablo Neruda. Ville de Champs sur Marne, France.
1999 Réalisation des œuvres pour l'exposition “Lo que es arriba es abajo”, de l’artiste Jorge Luis
Marrero, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, La Havane.
1998 Coréalisation de l'œuvre pour l'exposition “Quiet room”, de l’artiste Luiz Gómez
Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, La Havane, Cuba.
1995 Réalisation de l'œuvre “Bad foundation”, pour l'exposition “Arenas movedizas”,
de l’artiste Luis Gómez et Juan Carlos Alón, CENCREM, La Havane, Cuba.
1994 Illustration du livre de contes “Círculos” de Enrique González, Colección Pinos
Nuevos, Editorial Gente Nueva, La Havane, Cuba.
1999 Réalisation des œuvres pour l'exposition “Lo que es arriba es abajo”, de l’artiste Jorge Luis
Marrero, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, La Havane.
1998 Coréalisation de l'œuvre pour l'exposition “Quiet room”, de l’artiste Luiz Gómez
Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, La Havane, Cuba.
1995 Réalisation de l'œuvre “Bad foundation”, pour l'exposition “Arenas movedizas”,
de l’artiste Luis Gómez et Juan Carlos Alón, CENCREM, La Havane, Cuba.
1994 Illustration du livre de contes “Círculos” de Enrique González, Colección Pinos
Nuevos, Editorial Gente Nueva, La Havane, Cuba.